Jeffery A. Martin, PhD

You might already be persistently awake, if not there’s a 70+% chance you could be within a month

A session with Jeffery A. Martin, PhD (Academic Researcher, Author, Educator)

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About this Session

Your seeking might have already ended. In a recent study, over half of ~1000 participants didn’t realize they were already Finders NOT seekers. This could be you (hint for those interested in an event like this: it probably is). Even if it isn’t, science has now proven that it is not hard to get there. In other experiments, 70-90% of thousands of people persistently awakened in from as little as 1 day to as long as 4 months (most in about a month). Don’t miss this session to hear these and other surprising, and often astonishing findings from the world’s largest scientific project on Fundamental Wellbeing (i.e., the peace that passeth understanding, nonduality, enlightenment, persistent awakening, etc.).

About The Speaker

Jeffery A. Martin, PhD

Jeffery A. Martin, PhD

Academic Researcher, Author, Educator